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EBR School Board Mission Statement


East Baton Rouge Parish School System (EBRPSS) will achieve this excellence in education by ensuring that all schools have teachers who are highly trained in curriculum content, skilled in the art of teaching, and effective in classroom management with a high level of cultural sensitivity. Every adult, staff and community volunteer will serve as a role-model and will have high expectations for every student. Positive expectations will be clearly and constantly communicated to students, parents and other family members alike. Through these means, students will be motivated to become high achievers. The EBRPSS personnel will always welcome parental and community involvement. Through its professional and caring example, EBRPSS will earn parental respect and continued support. In turn, the East Baton Rouge Parish (EBR) community will treasure the school system and will provide their full support to strengthen high quality teaching and learning in a safe and attractive environment.

Quality * Equity * Excellence


December 10, 2022
Early Voting Nov. 26 - Dec. 3


Connie Bernard
EBR School Board, District 8