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Education is the Key to Our Children's Success

Our children are the key to our future and our most valued asset of this community. As our representative, Connie Bernard provides maturity, wisdom and experience to the EBR School Board to ensure that our children receive the best possible education. Bernard has valuable insight as a parent of a child in the public school system, working with administrators, educators, and parents on the challenges facing our school system.



                       Connie Bernard wants to...

                           Create More Choices for Families

                           Build New Schools for District 8

                           Add Magnet, Gifted & Talented

                           Improve Discipline


Our children need to have access to great programs right here in District 8 in their own neighborhoods without having to take long bus rides. We must build schools in District 8 for our children. The funds we already collect for school buildings need to be spent in District 8 before we build anymore schools elsewhere in Baton Rouge.



Connie Bernard, as a mother, wants what all parents want for their children. She wants her children to grow to be independent and to have opportunities for success.

Children need to have access to great programs here in District 8 in their own neighborhoods without having to take long bus rides. Fully 92% of District 8 students attend private and parochial schools. We need more access to the best choices for District 8 children.



December 10, 2022
Early Voting Nov. 26 - Dec. 3


Connie Bernard
EBR School Board, District 8